Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Jesus heals a Paralytic

Jesus heals a Paralytic Mark 2:1-12
This story always was amazing to me as a child or when I taught Sunday.
It makes wonder how many of us are desperate to meet with Jesus. It makes me realize what friend or family member will push me to have that opportunity to see Jesus. 
This man had an encounter that day that he would never forget.


Jesus I Am...

In the book of John, Jesus declares seven times that He is...
True vine- John 15:1-5
Bread of life- John 6:35-48
Light of the world-John 8:12,9:5
Gate-John 10:7
Shepherd-John 10:7
Resurrection and Life-John 11:25
Way, Truth and Life-John 14:6

Jesus is our true vine. As we are connected to Him, we can continue to grow in Him. The more we grow from his roots the closer we can grow to Him.
Jesus is also represented as the Bread of Life as we are to pray for the daily bread- Word of God in our lives daily.
Jesus is the Light of the world as He shines brightly through the darkness.
Jesus is known as a Gate because He is our mediator-our door to God our Heavenly Father.
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life as He conquered sin and death dying on the cross but raising to life for all of humanity.
Jesus is the way- the Way to the Father, the way to everlasting life. He is the truth cause their is no lie in Him. He gives life to to those broken places. 


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

What I love about the story is how two cultures collide that normally have nothing to do with each other but how Jesus meets this woman with an ordinary task of drawing water in her jugs to make an extraordinary experience.
Jesus did not just offer her ordinary water. He offered her living water to live forevermore. That is exciting news!
She wasn't sure who she had encountered but she later learned she encountered the Living Savior.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 is a popular verse teaching us to wait on the Lord. As we wait on the Lord he promises us that our strength will be renewed. Our strength will be rejuvenated. We will soar like an eagle by mounting up by climbing up in success of God's greatness upon us. We will stride and not faint and run and not grow weary.


Sunday, June 11, 2023

Fruit of the Spirit

In Galatians 5:22-23, it is laid how we should walk. We need to develop these characteristics in our life each and everyday. Now it's not always easy to love that annoying coworker or be at peace in the midst of the storm or have selfcontrol and not popping off at that the mouth to those closest to you.


Evil Spirits

Jesus has given us the authority to cast out evil Spirits everyday. They do not to be in any part of our life or in fact in the life of a Believer it all. It is at the vet name of Jesus that demons has to flee.



I think so many times encouragement is hard to come by. We live in a world that should be non judgemental but people find a way to be judgemental. We are supposed to lifting each other up and not putting people down.
Let's start today and encourage one other on and not judge one another.